CRADLEPOINT CBA750 | USER MANUAL Firmware ver. 1.9.0
4. Confirm updated firmware revision on the Tools → Firmware submenu.
When you are done editing the settings, you must click the Save Settings button at the top of the page to make the
changes effective and permanent.
6.3.4 Firmware Upgrade Notification Options
Automatically Check Online for Latest Firmware Version. When this
option is enabled, your router will check online periodically to see if
there is a newer version of firmware available. When new firmware is available, you will see an additional button that
initiates a one button update. Simply click the button to download and update the router in one click.
6.3.5 Firmware Update Notes
When a new firmware update file is loaded into the router, the following checks are made to insure that the new file is
1. Before the new firmware update is loaded into its permanent location (the NVRAM), it is first downloaded into a
temporary (RAM) area for checking.
2. The downloaded file is first checked against a checksum to insure that the entire file has been downloaded and no
data errors have occurred.
3. Each firmware file is encoded with a special product identification, which must match the current code in the router.
If the two identifiers match the update is allowed to proceed. If either of these checks fail, the firmware update file is
rejected and a failure message given to the user.
4. After the new firmware file passes both of these checks, the code is written to the permanent location (NVRAM).
Power to the unit must be maintained during this critical step; do not turn off unit. As the router writes the new code
into the permanent location (NVRAM), the user is presented with a screen on the browser which counts down for
60 seconds. After the 60-second countdown, the unit automatically reboots and reinitializes.