CRADLEPOINT CBA750 | USER MANUAL Firmware ver. 1.9.0
As an alternative, you can locate a MAC address in a
specific operating system by following the steps
Windows 98/Windows Me. Go to the
computer‟s Start menu, select Run, type in
winipcfg, and hit Enter. A popup window will
be displayed. Select the appropriate adapter
from the pull-down menu and you will see the
Adapter Address. This is the MAC address of
the device.
Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 7. Go to the computer‟s Start menu, select Programs, select Accessories,
and select Command Prompt. At the command prompt, type in ipconfig /all and hit Enter. The physical address
displayed for the adapter connecting to the router is the MAC address.
Mac OS X. Go to the computer‟s Apple Menu, select System Preferences, select Network, and select the
Ethernet Adapter connecting to the router. Select the Ethernet button and the Ethernet ID will be listed. This is
the same as the MAC.
Save/Update. Record the changes you have made.
Clear. Re-initialize this area of the screen, discarding any changes you have made.
When you are done editing the settings, you must click the Save Settings button at the top of the page to make the
changes effective and permanent.
Example: A DHCP reservation is used for making sure the router always gives a computer or device the same IP address.
Let‟s say you have a Wi-Fi printer that you want to access via the Internet. You can connect to the CradlePoint Router
from the Wi-Fi printer designated in this section.
1. Enter a designated IP address somewhere between the Starting IP and Ending IP addresses.
2. Click the Copy Your PC’s MAC Address button and the CBA750 will detect the MAC address of the device and
enter it automatically.
3. The printer name can be entered in for reference but is not required.
4. Click the Save Settings button at the top of the page.