List crashdumps associated with the specified VMs.
If the optional argument params is used, the value of params is a string containing a list of parameters of this
object that you want to display. Alternatively, you can use the keyword all to show all parameters. If params
is not used, the returned list shows a default subset of all available parameters.
The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection
mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the
beginning of this section.
vm-data-source-list [<vm-selector>=<vm selector value>...]
List the data sources that can be recorded for a VM.
Select the VM(s) on which to perform this operation by using the standard selection mechanism (see VM
selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
If no parameters to select hosts are given, the operation will be performed on all VMs.
Data sources have two parameters — standard and enabled — which can be seen by the output of this
command. If a data source has enabled set to true, then the metrics are currently being recorded to the
performance database. If a data source has standard set to true, then the metrics are recorded to the
performance database by default (and so, enabled will also be set to true for this data source). If a data source
has standard set to false, then the metrics are not recorded to the performance database by default (and
so, enabled will also be set to false for this data source).
To start recording data source metrics to the performance database, run the vm-data-source-record command.
This will set enabled to true. To stop, run the vm-data-source-forget. This will set enabled to false.
vm-data-source-record data-source=<name_description_of_data-source> [<vm-selector>=<vm selector
Record the specified data source for a VM.
This operation writes the information from the data source to the persistent performance metrics database of
the specified VM(s). For performance reasons, this database is distinct from the normal agent database.
Select the VM(s) on which to perform this operation by using the standard selection mechanism (see VM
selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
If no parameters to select hosts are given, the operation will be performed on all VMs.
vm-data-source-forget data-source=<name_description_of_data-source> [<vm-selector>=<vm selector
Stop recording the specified data source for a VM and forget all of the recorded data.
Select the VM(s) on which to perform this operation by using the standard selection mechanism (see VM
selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
If no parameters to select hosts are given, the operation will be performed on all VMs.
vm-data-source-query data-source=<name_description_of_data-source> [<vm-selector>=<vm selector