Parameter Name Description Type
other-config:promiscuous true to a VIF to be
promiscuous on the bridge, so
that it sees all traffic over
the bridge. Useful for running
an Intrusion Detection System
(IDS) or similar in a VM.
read write
network-uuid the unique identifier/object
reference of the virtual network
to which this VIF is connected
read only
network-name-label the descriptive name of the
virtual network to which this VIF
is connected
read only
io_read_kbs average read rate in kB/s for this
read only
io_write_kbs average write rate in kB/s for
this VIF
read only
vif-create vm-uuid=<uuid_of_the_vm> device=<see below>
network-uuid=<uuid_of_the_network_the_vif_will_connect_to> [mac=<mac_address>]
Create a new VIF on a VM.
Appropriate values for the device field are listed in the parameter allowed-VIF-devices on the specified
VM. Before any VIFs exist there, the allowable values are integers from 0-15.
The mac parameter is the standard MAC address in the form aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. If you leave it unspecified,
an appropriate random MAC address will be created. You can also explicitly set a random MAC address by
specifying mac=random.
vif-destroy uuid=<uuid_of_vif>
Destroy a VIF.
vif-plug uuid=<uuid_of_vif>
Attempt to attach the VIF while the VM is in the running state.
vif-unplug uuid=<uuid_of_vif>
Attempts to detach the VIF from the VM while it is running.
VLAN Commands
Commands for working with VLANs (virtual networks). To list and edit virtual interfaces, refer to the PIF
commands, which have a VLAN parameter to signal that they have an associated virtual network (see the section
called “PIF Commands”). For example, to list VLANs you need to use xe pif-list.