Parameter Name Description Type
PV-drivers-version the versions of the
paravirtualized drivers for a VM
based on this template; appears
as <not in database> for
a template
read only map parameter
PV-drivers-up-to-date flag for latest version of the
paravirtualized drivers for a VM
based on this template; appears
as <not in database> for
a template
read only
memory memory metrics reported by
the agent on a VM based on this
template; appears as <not in
database> for a template
read only map parameter
disks disk metrics reported by the
agent on a VM based on this
template; appears as <not in
database> for a template
read only map parameter
networks network metrics reported by
the agent on a VM based on this
template; appears as <not in
database> for a template
read only map parameter
other other metrics reported by the
agent on a VM based on this
template; appears as <not in
database> for a template
read only map parameter
guest-metrics-last-updated timestamp when the last write
to these fields was performed
by the in-guest agent, in the
form yyyymmddThh:mm:ss
z, where z is the single-letter
military timezone indicator, for
example, Z for UTC (GMT)
read only
actions-after-shutdown action to take after the VM has
actions-after-reboot action to take after the VM has
possible-hosts list of hosts that could
potentially host the VM
read only
HVM-shadow-multiplier multiplier applied to the
amount of shadow that will be
made available to the guest
dom-id domain ID (if available, -1
read only