Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Show Commands
show interface ethernet
Table 6-58 describes the fields in the
keyword output.
Table 6-58 describes the fields in the
keyword output.
out-no-routes Cumulative number of IP datagrams that the port discarded because a route could
not be found to transmit them to their destination. This counter includes any
packets counted in forw-datagrams that still qualify. This counter also includes
any datagrams that a Server Switch cannot route because all of the gateways on
the Server Switch are down.
frag-OKs Cumulative number of IP datagrams that the port has successfully fragmented.
frag-fails Cumulative number of IP datagrams that the port discarded because the port could
not fragment them. (For instance, this situation occurs when the Don’t Fragment
flag of the datagram is set.)
frag-creates Cumulative number of IP datagram fragments that the port has generated.
Table 6-57 ip-info Keyword Output Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
Table 6-58 ip-backup Keyword Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
if-index Port number.
priority Priority of the backup address that you applied with the
Table 6-59 statistics Keyword Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
port Port identifier, in slot#/port# format.
name Administrative port name that you configured with the
command. The parenthetical identifier represents the SNMP identifier.
in-octets Cumulative number of octets that arrived at the port, including framing
in-ucast-pkts Cumulative number of incoming packets destined for a single port.
in-multicast-pkts Cumulative number of incoming packets destined for the ports of a
multicast group.
in-broadcast-pkts Cumulative number of incoming packets destined for all ports on the
in-discards Cumulative number of inbound packets that the port discarded for a
reason other than a packet error (for example, lack of buffer space).
in-errors Number of inbound packets with errors that the port discarded.