Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Show Commands
show fc srp it
show fc srp it
To display initiator-target pairs that you have configured or that your Server Switch has discovered, enter
show fc srp it
command in User Exec mode or Privileged Exec mode.
show fc srp it
[guid extension target-wwpn]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes User Execute mode, Privileged Execute mode.
Usage Guidelines
Platform Availability:
Cisco SFS 3001, Cisco SFS 3012
Privilege Level:
Unrestricted read-write user.
Use this command to verify that you successfully created IT pairs on your Server Switch.
guid (Optional) GUID of the initiator in the IT pair.
extension (Optional) GUID extension of the initiator in the IT pair.
target-wwpn (Optional) World-wide port name (WWPN) of the target FC storage port in
the IT pair.
Table 6-22 show fc srp it Command Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
guid GUID of the initiator in the initiator-target pair.
extension GUID extension of the initiator in the initiator-target pair.
target-wwpn WWPN of the target storage.
description User-assigned description of the initiator-target pair.
non-restricted-ports Ports on your Server Switch that grant the initiator of the IT pair access to
active-ports Ports on your Server Switch through which the initiator of the IT pair passes
physical-access Physical ports on your Server Switch to which the initiator of the IT pair
mode Displays “normal-mode” or “test-mode.” Configure the mode to normal-mode
to permit initators to log in to storage. In test-mode, the FC gateway persistently
logs in to storage and blocks the initiators.