Cisco SFS 7000 Series Product Family Command Reference Guide
Chapter 6 Show Commands
show ib-agent switch
Command Output:
Table 6-49 describes the fields in the
keyword output.
Table 6-50 describes the fields in the
keyword output.
Table 6-51 describes the fields in the
keyword output.
Table 6-49 linear-frd-info Keyword Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
switch-guid GUID of the switch.
lid LID of the port.
0 - 7 Represents ports 0 - 7 on an InfiniBand switch card.
Table 6-50 mcast-info Keyword Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
node-guid GUID of the switch with the LID immediately following.
block-index Determines which multicast LIDs and ports on the current switch chip are
displayed in the following table. See the Multicast Forwarding Table section of
the Subnet Management chapter of the InfiniBand specification for details.
lid LIDs of the ports on the switch.
port-mask Shows to which ports a multicast packet for the given LID will be transmitted.
Table 6-51 node-info Keyword Output Field Descriptions
Field Description
guid GUID of the node.
type Type of SMA node. This value always appears as “switch.”
lid LID of the port that connects to the node.
base-version Base management datagram version that the switch supports.
class-version Subnet management class that the switch supports.
port-guid GUID of the port that connects to the node.
partition-cap Number of partitions that the node supports.
device-id Manufacturer-assigned device ID.
revision Manufacturer-assigned device revision.
local-port-num Number of the link port that received this show request.
vendor-id Device vendor ID, as per the IEEE standard.
trap-buffer Number of traps that the node supports.
num-ports Number of physical ports on the SMA node.
string SMA node description string.