Arranging Embroidery Designs (Layout & Editing)
Viewing design in the
reference window
A design in the Design Page is displayed in the
Reference Window, giving you an overall view of the
design while you work on a detailed area. The
display area frame (red rectangle) indicates the part
of the pattern displayed in the Design Page.
To switch between displaying and hiding the
Reference window, click Display, then Reference
Window, or press the shortcut key ( ).
■ Zooming
The design displayed in the Reference Window can
be reduced to fit completely within the Reference
Window or enlarged to display only the pattern.
1. Click .
→ The pattern is displayed so that it fills the
Reference Window.
■ Moving the display area frame
The part of the design displayed in the Design Page
can be selected from the Reference Window.
1. Move the pointer over the display area frame.
→ The shape of the pointer changes to .
2. Drag the display area frame so that it
surrounds the desired part of the design.
→ The selected part of the design is
displayed in the Design Page.
■ Redrawing the display area frame
Instead of moving the display area frame, the frame
can be redrawn to display the desired part of the
pattern in the Design Page.
1. Click the area to be displayed, or drag the
pointer over the desired part of the design in
the Reference Window.
→ The display area frame is redrawn, and
the selected part of the design is
displayed in the Design Page.
■ Scaling the display area frame
1. Move the pointer over a corner of the display
area frame.
b Memo:
• The Design Page is automatically zoomed
in on or zoomed out from to fit in the entire
• The first line of the dialog box shows the
position of the displayed design section
within the embroidery hoop installation
• Only the design within the corresponding
section appear in the Design Page and are
outlined in red.
• To display information for other design
sections, click
• The design sections are displayed in order
from left to right, top to bottom. Pattern
sections that do not contain any stitching
will not be displayed.
• To close the dialog box, click
a Note:
button cannot be clicked
when the design corresponding to the first
hoop is already displayed. In addition, the
button cannot be clicked when the
design corresponding to the last hoop is
already displayed.