
BES-962BC BES-1262BC
Chapter 6 Embroidering
Speed Range
Specifies the maximum speeds for respective ranges suitable for the hoop type.
Actual embroidering speed depends on the pitch.
Before shipment, "1" is set to the highest speed; "6" is set to the lowest speed.
1. Select [Speed Range] from Settings menu.
2. Specify the desired range.
When a value exceeding the above ranges is entered, it is automatically set to the min. or max.
3. Click [OK].
Head Operation Suspend
Sets the machine head for rest.
Setting at the machine head has priority.
When the HEAD switch at the machine head is set to ON and then to OFF, the
setting is canceled.
1. Select [Head Operation Suspend] from Settings menu.
Click the machine head that needs to be at rest and remove the check mark.
3. Click [OK].
Indicates ranges of
the current setting.
Head operation suspend