
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guide
50 Chapter 2: Initial Setup BMD00220, October 2010
Setup Part 5: Final Steps
1. When prompted, decide whether to restart Setup or continue:
Enter y to restart the Setup utility from the beginning, or n to continue.
2. When prompted, decide whether you wish to review the configuration changes:
Enter y to review the changes made during this session of the Setup utility. Enter n to continue
without reviewing the changes. We recommend that you review the changes.
3. Next, decide whether to apply the changes at the prompt:
Enter y to apply the changes, or n to continue without applying. Changes are normally applied.
4. At the prompt, decide whether to make the changes permanent:
Enter y to save the changes to flash. Enter n to continue without saving the changes. Changes are
normally saved at this point.
5. If you do not apply or save the changes, the system prompts whether to abort them:
Enter y to discard the changes. Enter n to return to the “Apply the changes?” prompt.
Note – After initial configuration is complete, it is recommended that you change the default
passwords as shown in “Changing the Switch Passwords” on page 61.
Would you like to run from top again? [y/n]
Review the changes made? [y/n]
Apply the changes? [y/n]
Save changes to flash? [y/n]
Abort all changes? [y/n]