
BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guide
34 Chapter 1: Switch Administration BMD00220, October 2010
BBI Summary
The BBI is organized at a high level as follows:
Context buttons—These buttons allow you to select the type of action you wish to perform. The
Configuration button provides access to the configuration elements for the entire switch. The
Statistics button provides access to the switch statistics and state information. The Dashboard
button allows you to display the settings and operating status of a variety of switch features.
Navigation Window—This window provides a menu list of switch features and functions:
System—this folder provides access to the configuration elements for the entire switch.
Switch Ports—Configure each of the physical ports on the switch.
Port-Based Port Mirroring—Configure port mirroring behavior.
Layer 2—Configure Layer 2 features for the switch.
RMON Menu—Configure Remote Monitoring features for the switch.
Layer 3—Configure Layer 3 features for the switch.
QoS—Configure Quality of Service features for the switch.
Access Control—Configure Access Control Lists to filter IP packets.
CEE Configure Converged Enhanced Ethernet (CEE).
FCoE Configure FibreChannel over Ethernet (FCoE).
Virtualization Configure vNICs and VMready for virtual machine (VM) support.
For information on using the BBI, refer to the BLADEOS 6.5 BBI Quick Guide.