BLADEOS 6.5.2 Application Guide
BMD00220, October 2010 Chapter 2: Initial Setup 45
3. Configure Gigabit Ethernet port flow parameters.
The system prompts:
Enter rx to enable receive flow control, tx for transmit flow control, both to enable both, or
none to turn flow control off for the port. To keep the current setting, press <Enter>.
4. Configure Gigabit Ethernet port autonegotiation mode.
If you selected a port that has a Gigabit Ethernet connector, the system prompts:
Enter on to enable port autonegotiation, off to disable it, or press <Enter> to keep the current
5. If configuring VLANs, enable or disable VLAN tagging for the port.
If you have selected to configure VLANs back in Part 1, the system prompts:
Enter d to disable VLAN tagging for the port or enter e to enable VLAN tagging for the port. To
keep the current setting, press <Enter>.
6. The system prompts you to configure the next port:
When you are through configuring ports, press <Enter> without specifying any port. Otherwise,
repeat the steps in this section.
Gig Link Configuration:
Port Flow Control:
Current Port EXT1 flow control setting: both
Enter new value ["rx"/"tx"/"both"/"none"]:
Port Auto Negotiation:
Current Port EXT1 autonegotiation: on
Enter new value ["on"/"off"]:
Port VLAN tagging config (tagged port can be a member of multiple VLANs)
Current VLAN tag support: disabled
Enter new VLAN tag support [d/e]:
Enter port (INT1-14, MGT1-2, EXT1-24):