
Chapter 3: Operations 29
To change a users con guration information:
Issue a User Set command.
USER SET <username> [PASSWORD=<pwd>] [SSHKEY=<key le>]
[FTPIP=<ftpadd>] [KEY=<sshkey>] [ACCESS=<access>]
You may change your own password at any time. You must have USER access
rights to change another users password or to change any users SSH user key
information and access rights.
To remove an SSH user key or password, specify Key=“” or Password=“”.
You cannot remove both the password and the SSH key from a users
definition; one must remain in the user database. Also, you cannot remove a
users key or password if that removal would result in no valid users having
USER access rights.
For more information, see Connecting to devices using SSH and Access rights and
levels in this chapter and User Set command in Chapter 5.
To end another users CCM session:
Issue a User Logout command.
USER LOGOUT <username>
A message is sent and the Telnet or SSH connection is dropped. For more
information, see User Logout command in Chapter 5.
To delete a user:
Issue a User Delete command.
USER DELETE <username>
If the specified user is currently logged in, a message is sent to the user
indicating that access is no longer permitted, and the users Telnet session is
terminated. For more information, see User Delete command in Chapter 5.
To display user con guration information:
1. To display information about one user, issue a Show User command,
specifying the username.
SHOW USER <username>
2. To display information about all users, issue a Show User command with
the All parameter.