Issue 3.3 February 2003 165
Test descriptions
The following table lists some of the OpenBoot PROM On-Board firmware test commands.
Note that some commands give responses for the tests. Other tests just display the ok
prompt when the test passes.
Additional references – See the Sun OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual for
more information.
Command Description
probe-ide-all This command identifies the devices attached to the IDE bus.
probe-scsi-all This command identifies the devices attached to the SCSI bus.
probe-fcal-all This command identifies the devices attached to the FC-AL bus.
test-all This command runs a series of tests on the network and on
hardware components. It may take several minutes to complete.
test [alias] This command executes the specified device self-test method.
Possible values for device-specifier are listed in the Alias column:
Alias Description
memory memory
cdrom cdrom
tape0-1 tape drives
disk0-5 SCSI drives
floppy floppy
screen video
keyboard keyboard
watch-clock This command tests the clock function.
This command runs a loopback test, a transceiver test, and a
packet transmission test.