Maintaining tape drives
Issue 3.3 February 2003 145
Removing a tape drive
To remove a tape drive:
1. Log in to the system as root.
2. Enter the following commands:
cd /dev/rmt
The pwd command verifies that you are in the /dev/rmt directory.
3. Enter:
rm *
This removes SCSI tape drive device files. If you do not remove the tape drive device
files before rebooting the system, the SCSI tape drive device files may not match the
hardware configuration.
4. Enter:
/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -i0 -g0
This shuts down the system.
5. Turn off the system.
6. Turn off the system monitor.
7. Turn off all external SCSI devices starting with the device that is closest to the system
and working toward the farthest device.
8. Disconnect the tape drive from the SCSI port or SCSI chain.
9. Turn on all external SCSI devices starting with the device that is farthest from the
system and working toward the system.
10. Turn on the system monitor.
11. Turn on the system.
12. Press Stop+A simultaneously after the console banner is displayed, but before the
system starts booting.
13. Enter the following commands:
setenv auto-boot? false
This resets the system.
14. Enter:
This displays the current SCSI devices. The removed tape drive should not be listed.