Adding memory and replacing the CPU
Issue 3.3 February 2003 147
Adding memory and replacing the CPU
The Ultra 5 comes equipped with one bank of dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) (256
MB) installed. If you need to install additional DIMMs, they must be installed in full banks
The computer comes equipped with one CPU. If the CPU fails, it should be replaced by a
qualified Sun technician. Contact your Avaya representative for more information.
Installing memory
This section describes the procedures used to add more memory to an Ultra 5 system that
is currently in operation.
WARNING: You must wear an ESD wrist strap when installing or removing hardware
components to prevent electrical discharge that can damage the system.
Checking the current memory size
To check the current memory size:
1. Enter:
prtconf | grep Memory
This displays the current memory size.
2. Record the current memory size.
Memory size: xxx Megabytes