
Issue 4 October 2002
Standard reliability
Normal connection:
1. Connect a system telephone to station 10 on the PARTNER system.
2. Connect a standard RJ-11 telephone line cord from the PARTNER CO line
to the CO line protector.
3. Connect the INADS tip and ring port from the AUX connector to the tip/ring
pair of CO line port 1 on the PARTNER through the MDF. See Figure 43.
Use wire pair 50 and 25 on the MDF.
U.S./Atlas/Spain platform connection:
1. Select station 11-15 as the INADS port connection.
European platform connection:
1. Bridge the outside pair of CO line port 1 to the INADS port. A 258A adapter
may be used.
High reliability
Be sure that the TN1648B SYSAM circuit packs are located in different cabinets
or processor carriers.
1. Bridge the 2 INADS tip/ring ports. A 258A adapter may be used. See
Figure 43.
2. Connect the bridged INADS tip/ring port to a station port.
PARTNER administration
Set standard telephone station (European
platforms only)
Do not exit from the programming mode until instructed to do so.
1. Connect the PARTNER programming telephone (MLS12) to station 10.
2. Press Feature, followed by 0 0.
3. Press the left intercom (System Program) button twice.
4. Enter the password. The default password is 7777. The green LED next to
the left intercom button must be steady on.
5. Enter # 3 0 8.
6. Enter 1 0 (if station 10 is connected to the INADS port) or the station
number connected to the INADS port.