External modems
104 Issue 4 October 2002
Configuring the DTE interface
Set the data speed and enable standard, RS-232 communications settings.
Proceed as follows.
Configuring basic, RS-232 handshaking
Start by selecting values for the basic parameters of serial data communications,
mode, speed/rate, framing, and error correction (parity). The modem uses these
parameters when it negotiates a connection with another RS-232 device, a
process called handshaking.
1. From the Edit StrapGroup > prompt, press F1 to select DTE_Interface.
The Async/Sync Mode menu heading appears.
2. Press F1 to select Nxt.
The Async DTE Rate menu heading appears.
3. Press the right-arrow button five times.
The 9600 menu item appears.
4. Press F2 to select 9600.
5. Press F1 to select Nxt.
The Asyn #Data Bits (8) menu heading appears.
6. Press F1 to select Nxt.
The Asyn Parity Bit (None) menu heading appears.
7. Press F1 to select Nxt.
The Asyn #Stop Bits (1) menu heading appears.
8. Press F1 to select Nxt.
The DTR Action menu heading appears.
Configuring the RS-232 DTR and DSR ready signals
Next, configure the Data Terminal Ready and Data Set Ready leads of the
RS-232 interface.
1. From the DTR Action menu heading, press the right-arrow button once.
The Stndrd_RS232 menu item appears.
2. Press F2 to select Stndrd_RS232.
3. Press F1 to select Nxt.
The DSR Control menu heading appears.
4. Press the right-arrow button once.
The Stndrd_RS232 menu item appears.