
Terminal server installation
132 Issue 4 October 2002
3. Print a copy of this screen, or write down the node names you entered. You
need this information for the next administration task.
4. Press ENTER to save your changes.
Administering IP services
For each adjunct that you connect using TCP/IP, you need to administer IP
services to establish the IP address/TCP port pairing. The IP address is
associated with the node name that you just administered. In this example, we are
administering the primary CDR connection as end-to-end TCP/IP, and the PMS
connection through a terminal server.
1. Type change ip-services and press
RETURN to assign the CDR endpoint.
2. In the Service Type field, enter CDR1 for the call accounting link, and
PMS for the property management system.
3. In the Local Node field, enter the node name for the switch. In this
example, switch is the local node.
change node-names ip Page 1 of 1
Name IP Address Name IP Address
1. switch________ 123.456.7 .89 17. ______________ ___.___.___.___
2. callacctg_____ 123.456.9 .00 18. ______________ ___.___.___.___
3. termserver____ 123.456.11 .00 19. ______________ ___.___.___.___
4. pmslogpc______ 123.456.78 .00 20. ______________ ___.___.___.___
5. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 21. ______________ ___.___.___.___
6. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 22. ______________ ___.___.___.___
7. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 23. ______________ ___.___.___.___
8. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 24. ______________ ___.___.___.___
9. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 25. ______________ ___.___.___.___
10. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 26. ______________ ___.___.___.___
11. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 27. ______________ ___.___.___.___
12. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 28. ______________ ___.___.___.___
13. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 29. ______________ ___.___.___.___
14. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 30. ______________ ___.___.___.___
15. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 31. ______________ ___.___.___.___
16. ______________ ___.___.___.___ 32. ______________ ___.___.___.___
change ip-services Page 1 of 3
Service Enabled Local Local Remote Remote
Type Node Port Node Port
CDR1 switch 0 callacctg 5101
PMS switch 0 termserver 5103