Smartphone User Manual
9. System
The DRM icon displays in List View as well as in the Rename, As-
sociate, Open With, Select Multiple, Delete, and Properties screens.
The example gures below show the Properties screen.
Choosing License from the menu opens a screen of options such as
Play, Display, Execute, and Print. File Manager will take the appro-
priate action depending on the option you choose and depending on
the license associated with the protected le. For example, selecting
Play might open a Conrm screen like the examples illustrated in
the last page of Chapter 3.
File Manager will allow or not allow the use of menu items as ap-
propriate, according to the current DRM le state. For example,
commands on the Send submenu will not function if the le is
Forward Locked or is a Combined Delivery (content and rights
downloaded together) le. But commands on the Send submenu
are enabled if it is a Separate Delivery (content and rights are
downloaded separately) le.