WWhhaatt YYoouu NNeeeedd TToo KKnnooww
Thank you for purchasing the SMT 5600.
The device’s gift box contains all of the items listed below:
• Audiovox SMT 5600 Smartphone
• AC Adapter
• Mini USB Cable
• SIM Card
• Standard Battery
• Carrying Case
• Stereo Headset
• Quick Start Guide
• Companion CD with User’s Manual
NOTE: Report any product defects to the place
of purchase immediately.
SSMMTT 55660000
However, in order to receive a beam from another device, you
must accept it on your device.
If you no longer want your device to be discoverable, select
Off to turn off the radio, or On to leave the radio on but not
allow detection by other devices.
Your smartphone comes with Microsoft
Windows Media
Player 10 Mobile, which lets you play Windows Media Audio,
Windows Media Video, and MP3 audio files. You can also
copy digital music and video directly from your PC to your
phone by using either Windows Media Player or ActiveSync.
To start Media Player, select Windows Media from the Start Menu.
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communications technology.
Devices with Bluetooth capabilities can exchange information over
a distance of about 30 feet (10 meters) without requiring a physical
connection. Unlike infrared beaming, you don't need to line up the
devices to beam information with Bluetooth. The devices only need
to be within a range of about 30 feet. You can even beam information
to a device in a different room, as long as it's within range.
Select Settings > Bluetooth > Bluetooth. Then select On,
Off, or Discoverable. The behavior of each of these modes
is summarized below.
On — The Bluetooth radio is turned on and you can use
Bluetooth features.
Off — The Bluetooth radio is turned off. You might want to turn
the radio off at times to conserve battery power, or in
situations where radio use is prohibited, like on airplanes
and in hospitals. Bluetooth is also turned off when you
turn flight mode on.
By default the Bluetooth radio is turned off. If you turn it on,
and then turn off your smartphone, the Bluetooth radio also
turns off. When you turn on your phone again, the Bluetooth
radio turns on automatically.
Discoverable — The Bluetooth radio is turned on, and any other
Bluetooth devices within range (about 30 feet / 10 meters) can
detect your device and attempt to beam information to it, establish
a bond, or use a Bluetooth service. In this mode, other devices
can detect your device, whether or not a bond has been created.
Windows Media Video
MPEG4 Simple Profile
Motion JPEG
Windows Media Audio
AMR Narrow Band
AMR Wide Band
.wmv, .asf
.mid, .midi, .rmi
File Extensions
File Formats Supported
SMT5600 QSG 9/7/04 11:52 AM Page 7