Thumbnail view mode
Camera searches for the supported image, video, and audio
les in your \My Documents folder. You can use the Change
Folder command to search other folders if desired. Select
Scan Subfolder Files in Options > General if you also want
the subfolders of the parent folder to be searched.
Shown below on the left is Large thumbnail size. An ex-
ample of List View is shown on the right. Use the Options >
Thumbnail screen to change to other thumbnail views such
as Normal, Small, or Portrait. You can also opt to show an
index number and an “Info Bar” which displays data about
the selected thumbnail (shown on the left below).
Large thumbnails with Info Bar List View
To play a video or audio le, or to view a still image in an
enlarged view, select the related thumbnail and then press
the Action button to switch to Detailed View.