Where solutions begin
ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
2.1 WEB Configuration
Open the web browser, enter the local port IP address of this device, which
defaults at, and click “Go”, a username and password
window will appear.
The default username & password are admin & atlantis, in respectively.
To configure your DiskMaster, you will need to use the
web browser, enter the IP address and then use the web
configuration for further setup. To find out the IP address
(if You changed) of your device once it is connected to
the network, there are several different ways as
described on the following pages.
Use the Setup utility included on the CD
(CDRom\Utility\setup.exe). This will list the device
automatically and allow you to access the web
configuration interface with a simple click of your mouse.
You will get a status report web page when login successfully. At the
configuration homepage, the left navigation page where bookmarks are
provided links you directly to the desired setup page, including:
• Basic [Quick Setup]
• Control Panel [Users and Groups, File and Print, System,
Network Service, Maintenance, Log File]
• Personal Info [Personal Information]
• Logout
Click on the desired item to expand the page in the main navigation page.