Where solutions begin
ISO 9001:2000 Certified Company
If only one drive is installed, the RAID configuration will
not be available.
Creating the RAID system will take several hours,
depending on HDD capacity. Do not turn off the power or
interrupt the system in any other way during this process!
We recommend using the EXT2 file system for optimum
performance and functionality. Changing the RAID setup
will require you to re-format the drives. Make sure you
backup all data before doing so!
There are 3 differents RAID mode:
• RAID 0= RAID 0, known as disk striping, has
generally the best performance, but does not offer
any redundancy. In this level, data is broken into
small units called sectors, and sectors are distributed
across all disks in the array. As it does not provide
any data protection, if any disk in the array fails then
all data in the array is lost. Such stripes allocation
allows to enhance I/O performance.
• RAID 1= RAID Level 1, known as disk mirroring, is a
popular approach to protect data from adisk failure.
To implement RAID Level 1, you need at least two
physical hard drives. As the disks are paired up, all
disk writes are duplicated on both disks. You can
back up data without interruption using this algorithm.
In case of a disk failure, the system can continue to
run without being affected.
• JBOD=JBOD (Just a Bunch Of Disks) is a group of
disks. JBOD is not technically RAID but “disk
spanning.” In this mode, all the disks are grouped
together so they appears as a large single disk. Each