
64 Using Phone Features
3.1 Using the Phone
Like a standard mobile phone, you can use your device to make, receive,
and keep track of calls and send messages. You can also dial directly
from Contacts, and easily copy phonebook entries from your SIM card to
Contacts on your device.
The Phone screen
From the Phone screen, you can access Call History, Speed Dial, and Phone
settings. To open the Phone screen, do one of the following:
Tap Start > Programs > Phone; or
Press the TALK button (
TALK button
Turn the phone function on and off
In many countries, you are required by law to turn off the phone while on
board an aircraft.
To turn off the phone function
1. Tap the Comm Manager icon ( ) on the Today screen.
2. On the Comm Manager screen, tap the Phone button to turn off the
phone function. The icon indicates the phone function is
turned off.
To resume call function
Turn on the phone function by tapping the Phone button again on
the Comm Manager screen. The icon indicates the phone
function is turned on.