
182 Getting Connected
Connect to T-Mobile HotSpot
You can set up your device to automatically log into T-Mobile’s wireless
network whenever you connect to a T-Mobile HotSpot.
To log in to T-Mobile HotSpot
1. Tap Start > Programs > HotSpot
2. Enter your username and
password, then tap OK.
Next time you are in a T-Mobile HotSpot
location, simply turn on Wi-Fi from
Comm Manager when you are in a
T-Mobile HotSpot, and you will be
As the connection to a T-Mobile HotSpot is being established, you will see a
flashing icon on the title bar. When you successfully log in to a T-Mobile
HotSpot, the icon then appears indicating that you are connected.
To log off from T-Mobile HotSpot
Tap the icon on top of the screen to log off.
To change the HotSpot Login settings
The HotSpot Login utility has been set up to automate your login process
when you are in a T-Mobile HotSpot. If you want to change the settings,
follow these steps:
1. Tap Start > Programs > HotSpot Login.
2. Tap Menu > Advanced Settings to view the current settings.
3. Select or clear the following check boxes according to your
Skip ‘login/cancel/sign up’ request. If not selected, the login and
signup screen will be shown. On this screen, tap Login to go to the
next screen where you can enter your username and password. If
you would like to get a T-Mobile HotSpot account, select Sign up
for T-Mobile HotSpot service.