
256 Index
Send messages 129
Send pictures and videos via e-mail
Settings 76, 82
Settings (Connections tab)
- Beam 51
- Bluetooth 51
- Connections 51
- CSD Line Type 51
- GPRS Setting 51
- USB to PC 51
- Wi-Fi 51
- Wireless LAN 51
Settings (Personal tab)
- Buttons 48
- Input 48
- Keyboard Sliding Sound 48
- Lock 48
- Menus 48
- Owner Information 48
- Phone 48
- Sounds & Notifications 48
- Today 49
Settings (System tab)
- About 49
- Backlight 49
- Certificates 49
- Clear Storage 49
- Clock & Alarms 49
- Device Information 49
- Encyrption 49
- Error Reporting 49
- External GPS 50
- Key Lock 50
- Memory 50
- Microphone AGC 50
- Power 50
- Regional Settings 50
- Remove Programs 50
- Screen 50
- Task Manager 50
Set picture as Today screen
background 214
Set Up E-Mail 127
Set Up E-mail 47
Shortcuts 135
SIM card 32
SIM Manager 103
- copy contacts to SIM card 103
- copy SIM contacts to device 103
- create SIM contact 103
- make call 68
- overview 46
Smart Dialing 70
SMS 121, 129
Soft reset 229
Sounds & Notifications 85
Speakerphone 69
Specifications 240
Speed Dial 67
Sports capture mode 203
Start menu 79
Storage card
- check available space 225
- copy files 176
Swap/switch calls 69
- ActiveSync 92
- change information types 93
- Outlook information with
computer 92
- schedule synchronization with
Exchange Server 144
- via Bluetooth 94