The SYSTem subsystem returns error messages and the SCPI version number to
which the Agilent E1446A complies.
Subsystem Syntax SYSTem
:ERRor? [query only]
:VERSion? [query only]
SYSTem:ERROR? returns the error messages in the error queue. See Appendix B
for a listing of possible error numbers and messages.
• The Agilent E1446A places any generated errors into the error queue. The queue
is first-in, first out. With several errors waiting in the queue, the
SYSTem:ERRor? returns the oldest unread error message first.
• The error queue can hold 30 error messages. If the Agilent E1446A generates
more than 30 messages that are not read, it replaces the last error message in the
queue with error -350,"Too many errors". No additional messages are placed into
the queue until SYSTem:ERRor? reads some messages or the *CLS (clear status)
command clears the queue.
• When the error queue is empty, SYSTem:ERRor? returns +0,"No error".
• Executable when initiated: Yes
• *RST Condition: unaffected
• Power-On Condition: no errors are in the error queue
Example Reading the error queue
SYST:ERR? Query the error queue
SYSTem:VERSion? returns the SCPI version number to which the Agilent
E1446A complies: “1991.0”.
• Executable when initiated: Yes
• *RST Condition: none
3-22 E1446/E1445 Command Reference SYSTem Subsystem