340 !Set up amplifier
350 OUTPUT @Amp;"INP1:IMP 75" !input impedance
360 OUTPUT @Amp;"INP1:ATT 4" !input attenuation (dB)
370 OUTPUT @Amp;"OUTP1:IMP 50" !main output impedance
380 OUTPUT @Amp;"OUTP1:ATT 0" !main output attenuation (dB)
390 !
400 OUTPUT @Afg;"INIT:IMM" !E1445A wait-for-arm state
420 !
430 SUB Rst
440 Rst: !Subprogram which resets the E1445 and E1446
450 COM @Afg,@Amp
460 OUTPUT @Afg;"*RST;*OPC?" !reset the AFG
470 ENTER @Afg;Complete
480 OUTPUT @Amp;"*RST;*OPC?" !reset the AMP
490 ENTER @Amp;Complete
510 !
520 SUB Errmsg
530 Errmsg: !Subprogram which displays E1445/E1446 programming errors
540 COM @Afg,@Amp
550 DIM Message$[256]
560 !Read AFG (at sec addr 10) status byte register, clear service
570 !request bit
580 B=SPOLL(@Afg)
590 IF BIT(B,6) THEN !AFG requested service
600 !End of statement if error occurs among coupled commands
610 OUTPUT @Afg;""
620 OUTPUT @Afg;"ABORT"!abort output waveform
630 PRINT "E1445A errors"
660 OUTPUT @Afg;"SYST:ERR?" !read AFG error queue
670 ENTER @Afg;Code,Message$
680 PRINT Code,Message$
690 UNTIL Code=0
700 STOP
710 END IF
720 !
730 !Read AMP (at sec addr 11) status byte register, clear service
740 !request bit
750 B=SPOLL(@Amp)
760 IF BIT(B,6) THEN !amplifier requested service
770 !End of statement if error occurs among coupled commands
780 OUTPUT @Amp;""
790 PRINT "E1446A errors"
Continued on Next Page
Setting the Input Impedance Programming the Agilent E1446A 2-19