380 !
390 DATA 0.,50.,1 !main output attenuation, impedance, and state
400 READ Out1_atten,Out1_imped,Out1_state
410 !
420 DATA 50.,50. !differential output impedances
430 READ Out2_imped,Out3_imped
440 !
450 Offset= 0. !DC offset
460 !
470 !Set E1446A base address and initialize COM variables
480 Set_addr(88)
490 !
500 !Set up E1446A
510 Setup_e1446(In1_atten,In1_imped,In2_atten,In2_imped,Out1_atten,Out1_imped,
520 !
530 OUTPUT @Afg;"INIT:IMM" !E1445A wair-for-arm state
540 END
550 !
Summing Two
This program uses the E1446A to sum the signals from two E1445A
AFGs. The AFGs at logical addresses 72 and 80 generate 1 Vpp, 5 kHz
and 100 kHz sine waves respectively. The signal from the AFG at logical
address 72 is applied to E1446A ’Input 1’. The signal from the AFG at
logical address 80 is applied to ’Input 2’. All three devices are in the
servant area of the V/360 embedded controller.
Note that this program uses the subprograms contained in the file
’SUMSUBS’. A description of ’SUMSUBS’ follows the listing of the
example subprograms.
3 !
10 COM /E1446/ Base_addr,INTEGER In_ctrl,Out_imped
20 !
30 ! SET UP E1445As
40 !
50 ASSIGN @Afg72 TO 1672 !E1445A and V/360 I/O paths
60 ASSIGN @Afg80 TO 1680
70 !
Continued on Next Page
C-24 Register-Based Programming Example Programs