compared, new tests administered, and a
wealth of information about the customer’s feet
can be viewed.
Saving the Test Results
The test results can be saved at the end of a
test, either to an existing customer file, or a
new customer file can be created on the fly.
Creating New Customer Files
Click on Customer List. Select ‘New Customer.’
Customer lists can be sorted by Last Name,
First Name, City, State, Zip and Customer
Select ‘New Customer’ from the Customer
Files screen to enter new customer informa-
tion. Certain fields are required before the
record can be saved: First Name, Last
Name, Gender and Shoe Size
(Figure 5C).
Click on ‘Additional Info’ to capture address
information and to record notes on the cus-
tomer. If you do not want to send email to the
customer, uncheck the ‘Send Email’ option.
Select Customer
Highlight a customer in the list and Select. A
window will open showing all tests saved for
that customer.
Edit Customer
This button will open the ‘New/Edit Customer’
window (Figure 5D) to allow you to make
changes to customer information.
Delete Customer
This option will delete the customer and all
tests from the database. Once deleted, this
data cannot be recovered.
View Notes
Opens a window to allow you to add notes
on a customer
Test List
With a customer selected, click on ‘View
Tests’ to show a list of all tests recorded for
that customer. You can open multiple tests,
displaying them side by side for comparison.
View Large
Another way to view the test is by double-
clicking on the image. The foot image will
expand to full screen.
Postural and Dynamic
For stores with the iStep only, selecting the
‘Dynamic’ option allows you to perform a walking
test in addition to the static Postural test.
See chapter 3 for instructions on Dynamic
Contact iStep technical support to register
your copy of iStep version 5.0.
Exit code is 0007.
Fig. 5C
Fig. 5D