‘Print Settings’
Print Settings will allow you to customize the
printout of the customer’s test. You can add your
company name, address, telephone number,
web address, email address and even a logo.
Note: The logo should be 100 X 50 pixels.
Coupon Creation
A coupon can be printed with each customer
test, allowing you to add incentive for your
customers to purchase or return to the store.
The coupon can be customized with images
and text of your choice
(Figure 5A). Begin
by clicking on the leftmost window and typing
your message. Continue the message by
clicking or tabbing to the right window. You
can modify the text by selecting it and clicking
on the text icons (Figure 5B).
Editing icons from left to right are:
Font color: Select text and click icon to
choose a color.
Font: Select text and click icon to choose a
Underline: Underlines selected text.
Bold: Select text and click icon to bold text.
Italics: Select text and click icon to italicize text.
Justification: Left, Center or Right justify text.
Decrease Font size: Select text and click
icon to decrease size of font.
Increase Font size: Select text and click
icon to increase size of font.
Increase Indent: Indents the selected text.
Decrease Indent: Decreases the indent of
the selected text.
Clear Format: Clears Underline, Bold and
Italics formatting.
Click on the ‘Update Coupon’ button to enter
changes in the coupon view.
An image can be displayed in the center of
the coupon. Select from the images provided
by clicking on the left and right arrows in the
‘Choose Image’ field.
You can use an image of your own by click-
ing the ‘Get Image’ button and navigating to
your image file. By checking the
‘Stretch/Resize Image’ box, the program will
best fit your image to the coupon. You can
save your coupons by clicking on ‘Save
as…’ and reload them by clicking ‘Retrieve.’
Coupons are saved as Windows Bitmap files
and stored in the root of the C: drive.
Email Configuration
You now have the capability to stay in touch
with your customers and patients. By select-
ing the ‘Email’
option, an email can be sent
after each test, or at specific times.
Authenticate: If your ISP requires a pass-
word, check this box.
Send Unsent Email: If you do not send an
email after each test, you can connect to the
internet and then click ‘Send Unsent Email.’
All pending emails will be sent. The number
of unsent emails is shown below this button.
our iStep
computer must
have an Internet
connection bef
the Email f
will work! For
help with Email
setup, contact
iStep Technical
t at 1-800-