Add New Style
Similar to ‘Modify Style,’ you can add a style
here and set its name, gender and shoe sizing
Print Inventory
‘Print Inventory’ will display a window showing
your customized shoe database, which can
then be printed.
Your Recommendations
Your ‘recommendations’ screen will let you
match up shoes with their appropriate arches
and/or widths. These recommendations will be
used as the output of the program.
Begin by highlighting the brand you wish to
add to your recommendation database.
Then select ‘Gender.’ You can click either
selection or click and drag to select all, or hold
the Ctrl key while clicking to select multiples.
Make your selections of ‘Gender,’ ‘Styles,’
‘Footwear Types,’ and ‘Arches’ and/or ‘Widths.’
When you click on the ‘Recommend’ button,
every possible choice by Gender, Style,
ype, Arch or Width will be added to the
Print Recommendations
‘Print Recommendations’ will display a window
with all the possible recommendations, which
can then be printed.
Recommendation Tips
This will take you to a window that explains
in depth how best to determine shoes for
your customers.
Note: A manager’
word is
required to modify
coupons.The pass-
word is 2739.
Fig. 5A
Fig. 5B