Technical Data
Measurements, Weights, Etc.
Length 95 in.
Width (lowered discharge chute) 74 in.(61” deck), 85 in. (72” deck)
Width (raised discharge chute) 62 in. (61” deck), 73 in. (72” deck)
Height 46.5 in.
Weight BZ6127D BZ6134D BZ7234D
1540 lbs. 1580 lbs. 1620 lbs.
Cutting width 61 in. and 72 in.
Cutting height Adjustable 1.5” to 6” in 1/4” incriments
Air pressure, front and rear 16 psi
Tires, front 13” x 6.50 - 6, 4-ply smooth tread
Tires, rear 26” x 12.00 - 12, turf
Driver’s seat Adjustable lengthways with adjustable arm rests
Speed, forward 0-11.5 mph
Speed, backward 0-5 mph
Manufacturer Diahatsu, 3 cylinder, diesel, 27 HP and
Diahatsu, 3 cylinder, diesel turbo, 34 HP
Models DM 950D and DM954TD
Power 27 HP and 34 HP
Cylinder volume 952 cm
Max. engine speed 3600 rpm @ no load
Idle speed 1300 rpm
Fuel tanks 11.4 gal. - twin 5.7 gal. tanks
Nominal action time 11 hours
Fuel Diesel with a minimum of 40 cetane
Oil SAE 30 or SAE 10W/30,
SAE 10W/40 class SC -SH
Oil volume incl. filter 3.5 qt
Start Electric start
Electric w/intragal stop brake rating
torque rating 300 ft./lbs.