The limited warranty set forth below is given by MTD
PRODUCTS INC ("MTD") withrespect tOnew merchandise
purchasedand used in the UnitedStates, its possessions
MTD warrants this productagainst defeCts'in matedal and
workmanshipfor a periodof two (2) yearscommencingon
the date oforiginalpurchaseandwill,at itsoption,repairor
replace, free of charge, any part found to be defectivein
material or workmanship.This limitedwarrantyshall only
apply if this producthas been operatedand maintained in
accordance with the Operator's Manual furnished with the
product,and has not been subjectto misuse, abuse, com-
memial use, neglect, accident, improper maintenance,
alteration, vandalism,theft,fire,water or damage because
of otherperilor naturaldisaster.Damage resultingfrom the
installation or use of any accessory or attachment not
approvedby MTD ProductsInc.for use withthe product(s)
covered by this manual willvoid your warrantyas to any
resulting damages.
Normal wear parts or componentsthereofare subjectto
separatetermsas follows:All normalwear part or compo-
nentfailures willbe covered onthe productfor a podod of
90 days regardlessofcause. After90 days, butwithinthe
two year period, normalwear part failureswill be covered
ONLY iF causedby defectsin materialor workmanshipof
OTHER componentparts. Normalwear partsand compo-
nents include,but are not limitedto, belts, blades, blade
adapters, grass bags, rider deck wheels, seats, snow
thrower skid shoes, shave plates and tires. Batteriesare
covered bya 90-day limitedreplacementwarranty.
HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICE: Warrantyserviceisavailable,
AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEALER. To locatethe dealer in
your area, please checkfor a _istingin the "YellowPages or
contactthe CustomerService DepartmentofMTD PROD-
UCTS INC bycalling 1-800-800-7310 orwritingto nO. Box
368022, Cleveland,Ohio44136-9722.
This limited warranty does not provide coverage In the
following eases:
a. The engineor component partsthereof. These items
carrya separatemanufacturer's warranty,Pleaserefer
to the applicable manufacturer's warranty on these
b. Logsplitter pumps,valves and cylindershave a sepa-
rate or_syearwarranty.
c. Routine maintenance items such as lubricants, filters,
blade sharpening and tune-ups, or adjustments such
as brake adjuslrcents, crutch ad)ustments or deck
adjustments; and normal deterioration of the exterior
finish due to use or exposure.
d. MTD does not extend any warranty for products sold
or exported outside of the United States of America,
its possessions and territories, except those sold
through MTD's authorized channels of export distribu-
No implied warra_y, Inoluding any Implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpoae,
applies after the applicable period of ax_preeawritten
warranty above as to the parts as identified. No other
express warranty or guaranty, whether written or oral,
except as mentioned above, given by any person or
entity, Including a dealer or retailer, with raepect to any
product shall bind MTD. During the period of the War-
ranty, the exclusive remedy Is repair or replacement of
the product as eat forth above, (Some states do not
allow limitationson how longan impliedwarrantylasts,so
the above limitationmay notapplyto you.)
The provisions as _mt forth In this Warranty provide the
sole and exclusive remedy arising from the sales. MTD
shall not be liable for incidental or consequential loss
or damages Including, without limitation, expenses
Incurred for substitute or replacement lawn care ear.
vlcse, for transportation or for related expanses, or for
rental expenses to temporarily replace a warranted
product. (Some states do not allow the exclusion or limita-
tion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
exclusion or _ireitation may not apply 1oyou.)
In no eventshall recoveryof any kindbe greater thanthe
amountofthe purchasepdceofthe productsold.Alteration
of the salary features of the productshallvo'_dt_is War-
ranty.Youassumethe riskand liabilityfor loss,damage, or
injuryto you and yourpropertyand/or to othersand their
propertyadsingoutof the use or misuseor inabilityto use
the product.
This limitedwarrantyshall notextendto anyoneotherthan
the originalpurchaser,original lessee or the person for
whomitwas pumhasedas a gift.
How State Law Relates to this Warranty: This limited
warranty givesyou speoifialegal rights,and you mayalso
have otherrightswhichvary from state tostate.