Dealer Check List 13
MAN0118 (Rev. 12/23/2004)
(Dealer Responsibility)
___ Inspect the Mow'n Machine and attachments
thoroughly after assembly to be certain it is set up
properly before delivering it to the customer.
___ The following check lists are a reminder of points
to inspect. Check off each item as it is found sat-
isfactory or after proper adjustment is made.
___ Check that all safety shielding and decals are
properly installed and in good condition.
___ Check all bolts to be sure they are tight.
___ Check that all cotter pins are properly installed.
___ Check that all gearboxes are serviced and are
not leaking.
___ Lubricate equipment as specified in lubrication
(Dealer Responsibility)
___ Point out safety features of cutter. Explain the
importance and meaning of all safety decals and
the potential hazards when not followed.
___ Explain to the customer that sweeper attachment
requires the use of rear counterweights, as speci-
fied in the counterweight chart, to provide neces-
sary tractor stability.
___ Present Operator's Manual and request that cus-
tomer and all operators read it before operating
___ Show customer how to make adjustments and
select proper PTO speed.
___ Instruct customer how to lubricate equipment and
explain importance of lubrication.
___ Show customer how to make sure driveline is
properly installed and that spring-activated lock-
ing pin or collar slides freely and is seated in
groove on tractor PTO shaft.