18 Reel Mowers
Toro University Technical Training
Importance of the Operator
The Operator has a significant influence on the aftercut appearance that a reel mower can deliver.
The large investment in specialized mowing
equipment cannot be jeopardized by unqualified
operators. Before an operator can be considered
qualified to operate a piece of equipment, there
should be a significant effort by the supervisor
towards their training and familiarization with each
piece of equipment.
Make sure the operator reads and understands the
Operator’s Manual. Have the operator watch the
Operator Training Video and take the on-line quiz at
toro.com, Customer Care. You should also take time
to explain the mowing practices used on your
grounds, and have the operator practice with the
equipment in an open area.
A supervisor should play a key role in establishing the
proper attitude and behavior patterns toward
operating turf equipment. A supervisor should not
create the impression that a few minutes orientation
on a piece of equipment will qualify the operator.
Operators and service technicians play a significant
role in determining quality of cut, down time, and life
of mowing equipment. Make a commitment to train
and familiarize staff with each product. Remember,
that each type of mowing equipment will have specific
operating characteristics, and noise qualities.
Operators should become familiar with the product,
and listen for any unusual changes. Concerns should
be reported to the service technician before significant
problems develop.