Reel Mowers 17
Toro University Technical Training
Requirements for good performance
These are basic requirements for good performance
of reel mowers:
The cutting edges on the reel blades and bedknife
must be straight and sharp.
The bedknife must be exactly parallel with the reel.
And, the bedknife should be positioned against the
reel with light contact.
When properly maintained and operated, reel
mowers provide superior quality of cut. It cannot be
overstated that reel mowers are precision tools. It is
essential that they be adjusted, and operated with
this in mind.
This illustrates a nice clean cut with all five cutting
units on a fairway mower set-up and adjusted
identically; rollers, bedknife and reel on each cutting
unit, all parallel, bedknife attitude, height of cut, and
bedknife to reel contact, set the same on every
cutting unit.
Here, the cutting units are not set-up the same, or
have different wear patterns between the individual
cutting units. This can cause a mismatched
appearance across the width of the mower.
Reel mower performance depends on proper set-up
and adjustment procedures. An error of .010 inch or
.25 mm, in height of cut, end to end, or from one
cutting unit to another, can be visible in the turf. In
after-cut appearance terms this is known as, miss-