On 4.-cyle engines with an oll level plug,
don't be fooled Into thinking the engine has
sufficient lubricating oll If you can see "some"
oll In the opening - the level should always be
top of the fill hole.
On 2-cycle engines, lubrication must be
provided by an exact mixture of gasoline
and 2-cycle air-cooled engine oil. A 2-cycle
engine that Is mlatakenly run on straight
gasoline will be ruined in less than 5
mlnutesl If you keep straight gasoline in
addition to pre-mlxed 2-cycle engine fuel,
be sure the containers are clearly marked
to avoid mix.up.
Snapper 2-cyale engines require a 32 to 1
mixture of gasoline and BIA certified TC-W
oll such as Snapper's 2-cycle engine oil
Many of the 2-cycle engine oils on the
market today make fantaatlo claims, but for
the heat performance and long engine life,
always use Snapper 2-cycle all. Premix
the fuel and always shake the container
before filling the tank.
Change oll at regular Intervals using a a high
quality oll such as Snapper's small engine
formulated 4-cycle engine oil Refer to the
engine owner's manual for oil details.
Engine 011
AIr CIseasr
4. Choke
5. Primer (on
6. Safety inter.
lock Switches
7. Switch &
Blade Control
8. Spark plug
9. Throttle
10. Blade
11. Muffler
• To full level (4-cycle)
• Properly mixed with gas
• Clean and properly serviced
• Full fresh clean gasoline
• Fuelvalve open
• Cap vent opon
• Inllnafilter clean
• Operating properly
• Used properly
* In proper position
• Allwires properly connected
• Switch On
• Bladecontrol properly
positioned on walk mower
• Wlm connected
• Goodconnection
• Start position
• Properly Installedand
• Sharpened
• Good condition
• NOtclogged
• Grass& leaves cleaned away
PA (Read and follow all safety
_l_ |instructions In safety book- 1
d that dirt Is your engine's enemy
[ #1 both Internally and externallyl Internally,
| | dirt will quickly ruin an engine and externally
| | It will cause overhcetlng and resulting Internal
Ji "%-%damages. Damage caused by Improper lubri-
_* catlor_, poor air cleaner service or overheating
-- _ due to dirt cannot be covered under warranty.
It only takes a few moments to service the
engine (and equipment) on a routine basis
but the rewards will be s quick starting, re
sponalve engine that will provide long
satisfactory service with minimum maintenance
cost. The prestart checklist In the next column
and Instructions In your Snapper Operator's
Manual are dsslgnated to help you keep your
Snapper In top operating condition with
minimum effortl