Radio Shack Weather Radio Weather Radio User Manual

How Your Radio Works
Weatheradio sounds an alert only when a weather
emergency is declared in that area. This helps you
more efficiently track the weather conditions in and
around your area.
When the Weatheradio receives a weather alert:
it sounds an alert beep
it displays a description of the alert and the alert
If the Weatheradio receives more than one
weather alert at the same time, it displays information
for each alert in sequence.
The alert descriptions your Weatheradio can display
are based on a list of specific weather alert types pub-
lished by the NWS. For a list of all the alert descrip-
tions that your Weatheradio can display, see “Alert
Descriptions” on Page 28.
The NWS uses sophisticated weather
models to determine an alert’s effective time. Howev-
er, the end of an alert does not necessarily mean that
the related weather emergency is over.