Make adjustments with the unit supported so
the cutting attachment is off the ground and
will not make contact with any object. Hold
the unitbyhand whilerunningand makingad-
justments. Keep all parts of your body away
from the cutting attachment and muffler.
Idle Speed Adjustment
Allow e nginetoidle. Adjust speeduntilengine
runs withouttrimmerheadmoving orspinning
(idle too f ast) or stalling (idle speed too slow).
S Turn idle speed screw clockwise to in-
creaseenginespeedifenginestalls ordies.
S Turn idle speed screw counterclockwise to
decrease engine speed if trimmer head
moves or spins at idle.
WARNING: Recheck the idle speed
after each adjustment. The trimmer head
must not move or spin at idle speed to avoid
serious injury t o the operator or others.
Idle Speed Screw
Air Filter
If yourequire furtherassistanceor a reunsure
about performing t his procedure, contact an
authorized service dealer or call
WARNING: Perform the following
steps af ter each use:
S Allow engine to cool, and secure the unit
before storing or tr ansporting.
S Store unit and fuel in a well ventilated area
where f uel vapors cannot r each sparks or
open flames from water heaters, electric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
S Store unit with all guards in place. Position
unit so t hat any sharp object cannot acci-
dentally cause injury.
S Store unit and fuel well out of the
reach of
Prepare unitfor storage at endof season or if
it will not be used for 30 days o r more.
If your unit is to be stored for a period of time:
S Clean the entire u nit bef ore l engthy storage.
S Store in a clean dry area.
S Lightly oil external metal surfaces.
TION sectionof thismanual,see messagela-
beled IMPORTANT regarding the use of ga-
sohol in your engine.
Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alternative in
minimizing the formation offuel gumdeposits
during storage. Add stabilizer to the gasoline
in the fuel tank or fuel storage container . Fol-
low the mix instructions found on stabilizer
container. Runengine at least5 minutes after
adding stabilizer .
During storage of yourgas/
oilmixture, theoil will sepa-
rate from the gas.
We recommend that you
shake the gas can weekly
toinsure p roper blendingof
the gas and oil.
S Remove spark plugand pour 1teaspoonof
40:1, 2- cycleengine oil(air cooled) through
the spark plug opening. Slowly pull the
starter rope 8 to 10 times to distribute oil.
S Replace spark plugwith new oneof r ecom-
mended type and heat range.
S Clean air filter.
S Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts,
and bolts. Replace any damaged, broken,
or worn parts.
S At the beginning of t he next season, use
only freshfuelhaving theproper gasolineto
oil ratio.
S Do not store gasoline fr om one season to
S Replace yourgasoline canif itstarts torust.