WARNING: Be sure to read the
electrical safety information in the safety
rules section of this manual before you
begin.If youdo notunderstand theelec-
use your unit. Seek help from someone
that does understand the information or
call the customer assistance help line at
The barand chain r equir elubricati on. The
chain oiler provid es lubr ication to the
oil tan k befor e each cutt ing sessi on . Lack
of oil will quickl y ruin t he bar and ch ain.
Too little oil will cause overheating shown
by smoke c omi ng f r om the chain and/or
discolorat i on of the bar. For maximum
guide bar and chain li f e, we recommend
you use Poulan chain saw baroil. If Pou-
lan bar oil i s not availabl e, you m ay use a
good grade SAE 30 oil until you ar e able
to obtain Poulan br and. Use a f unnel to fi l l
the tank. Repla ce oil cap securely. Ch eck
oil l evel af t er e very 15 minutes of opera-
Ensure chain br ake isdisengaged by pull-
ing the fr ont hand guard back toward the
front handl e as far as possibl e. The chain
brake must be disengaged bef or e cutti ng
with the saw.
S Release the trigger switch.
S If motor does not s top, disconnect the
extensioncord.Discontinueuse ofthe
unituntilithas beenrepairedby anau-
thorized service dealer.
1. Connect the saw to a power source
using the proper size extension
2. Grip both handles firmly.
3. Push and hold the trigger lock--out
button with your right hand thumb.
4. Squeezeand holdthe triggerswitch.
WARNING: If the brake band is
wor n too thin it m ay break when the chai n
brake is t riggered. W ith a broken brake
band, t he c hain brake wil l not st op the
chain. The chain brake must be repl aced
if any part is worn to less than 0.020″ (0.5
mm) thick. Repairs on a chain brake
should be made by y our authori zed ser-
vice dealer. Tak e your unit to the pl ace of
purchase orto t henearest authori zedser-
vice dealer.
S This saw is equipped with a chain
brake. Thebrake is designed t o stop the
chain if kickbac k occurs.
S The inert i a--activated chain br ake is ac-
ti va ted if the fr o nt hand guard is pushe d
forwar d, either m anuall y (by hand) o r
automati call y (by sudden movement) .
S If the br ake i s already activat ed, it is dis-
engaged by pulling the front hand guard
back t owar d the front handle a s far as
possib le.
S When cutt i ng w i t h the saw, the chain
brake m ust be disengaged.
Braking function control
CAUTIO N: The chain brake must be
checked several times dail y. The motor
must be r unning when perform i ng thi s
pr oced ure. This is theonly instancewhen
the saw should be pl aced on t he ground
wit h the mot or running.
Place the saw on fir m ground. Grip t he
rear handle with your right hand and the
front hand le with your left hand.
Squeeze trigger s witch and allow motor
to reach full speed. Activate the chain
brake by turning your left wrist against the
hand guard wi t hout r el easing your grip
around the front handle. The chain should
stop immediately.
Iner t i a activat i ng functi on contr ol
WARNING: When performing the
following procedure, the motor must not
be running and the saw must be un-
plugged from the power source.
Grip the rearhandle with yourrighthand
and the front handle with your left hand.
Hold t he chai n saw appr oximat el y 14″ (35
cm) above a st ump or other wooden sur-
face. Release your grip on the fr ont han-
dle and use t he wei ghtof the saw to letthe
ti p ofthe guide bar f allforwar d and contact
the stump. When the tip of the bar hits t he
stu mp , the brake should activat e.