RTR10 & RTR15 Series Rotary Tillers 311-431M
Land Pride
Section 1: Assembly and Set-Up
Table of Contents
Section 1: Assembly and Set-Up
To avoid bodily injury caused by accidental falling of tiller,
securely support tiller on safe supporting stands or blocks!
This unit is shipped almost completely assembled.
Carefully follow instructions for final assembly.
Before attempting assembly check the following items.
Having all the needed parts and equipment readily at
hand will speed up your assembly task and will make the
job as safe as possible.
• Check for fasteners and pins that were shipped with the
tiller. All hardware coming from the factory has been
installed in the location where it will be used. If a part or
fastener is temporarily removed for assembly reasons,
remember where it goes. Keep parts separated.
• Have a fork lift or loader along with chains and safety
stands that are sized for the job ready for the assembly
• Have a minimum of 2 people on hand during assembly.
• Check to see that all nuts are tightened. Refer to the
Torque Values Chart in the “Appendix” section on
page 29.
Tractor Requirements
This tiller is designed with a 3-point category l hitch.
Horse power rating of tractor should not exceed 25 PTO
horsepower for 10 Series Rotary Tiller and 35 PTO
horsepower for 15 Series.
Do not over speed PTO or machine damage may result. This
tiller is designed to be used with a tractor using a 540 rpm rear
NOTE: In order to maintain steering control, ballast
may have to be added to your tractor. To determine
whether or not to add ballast, refer to your tractor
operator’s manual.
Figure 1-1