
95 Praesepe 117 Sunflower Galaxy
96 Ptolemy's Cluster 118 Swan Nebula
97 rho Ophiuchi Nebula 119 Table of Scorpius
98 Ring Nebula 120 Tank Track Nebula
99 Ringtail Galaxy 121 Tarantula Nebula
100 Rosette Nebula 122 Taurus A
101 Running Chicken Nebula 123 Tempel's Nebula
102 Saturn Nebula 124 The Box
103 Sculptor Galaxy Group 125 The Eyes
104 Sculptor Galaxy 126 The Mice
105 Seyfert's Sextet 127 Toby Jug Nebula
106 Siamese Twins 128 Tom Thumb Cluster
107 Silver Dollar 129 Triangulum Galaxy
108 Small Magellanic Cloud 130 Trifid Nebula
109 Sombrero Galaxy 131 Ursa Major A
110 Southern Integral Sign 132 Veil Nebula
111 Southern Pleiades 133 Virgo A
112 Spindle Galaxy 134 Whirlpool Galaxy
113 Spindle 135 Wild Duck Cluster
114 Star Queen Nebula 136 Witchhead Nebula
115 Stephan's Quintet 137 Zwicky's Triplet
Struve's Lost Nebula