4-4 109627_0910
Fusible link
A fusible link wire is used to protect the mower’s entire
electrical system. If too much amperage passes through this
wire it will melt down so that it will no longer allow current to
pass (similar to the way a fuse works). The fusible link wire is
a red wire that goes from the starter terminal to a connector
that links into the main wiring harness.
To replace the fusible link wire (Figure 4-5):
1. Order Hustler part number 385603370.
2. Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery.
3. Unplug the connector linking the wire to the main
wiring harness.
4. Remove the old fusible link wire from the starter
5. Replace the old fusible link wire with a new one-first
attaching to starter terminal, and then connecting into
the main wire harness.
IMPORTANT: Always replace the fusible link wire with
the appropriate fusible link wire for this tractor.
Head lamp
If a head lamp fails to operate, the bulb must be replaced.
To change the bulb:
1. Pull the lower cover frontward and remove it. Figure 4-
2. Turn the socket counterclockwise and remove the
socket from the headlamp housing.
3. Remove the bulb. Figure 4-7
4. Install a new bulb in the socket and install the socket
with bulb in the housing.
5. Install the front cover.
Replacement bulb:
Head Lamp Bulb Type . . . . JIS S25 BA15 12V 23W
Instrument panel light
To change a burned out instrument bulb:
1. Pull the lower cover frontward and remove it. Figure 4-
2. Remove the four screws that connect the front cover to
the dashboard. Figure 4-8
3. Remove the front cover of the dashboard. Figure 4-8
4. Turn the burned out bulb together with the socket half a
turn counterclockwise and pull it out. Figure 4-9
5. Replace the bulb with new one and return the bulb and
socket to the original place.
6. Re-attach the front cover and lower cover.
Replacement bulbs:
Indicator Bulb Type. . . . . . . JIS T6.4 14V 3W (Qty 5)
Figure 4-3
Fuse Size Circuit protected
1 20 amp Spare
2 20 amp Auxiliary P.T.O., Work lamp (opt), back
buzzer (opt)
3 20 amp Auxiliary
4 10 amp Spare
5 10 amp Head lamp, meter back light, stop
solenoid, safety switch, starter, cruise
control (opt)
6 10 amp Temperature gauge, fuel gauge, fuel
pump, monitor lamp,
Alarm buzzer & relay
Figure 4-4
Figure 4-5