S Make your first cut
of the way through
the bottom o f the limb.
S Next makea 2ndcut allthe waythrough
the limb. T hencut a third overcut leaving
a1to2inch collarfromthetrunkof thetree.
First cut
Second cut
Third cut
Pruning technique
Mufflerisvery hotduring
andafter use. Do nottouch the muffler oral-
low combustible material such as dry grass
or fuel to do so.
We recommend all service and adjustments
not listed in this manual be performed by an
Authorized Service Dealer.
Fuel mixture level Before each use....
Bar lubrication Before each use.......
Chain tension Before each use.......
Chain sharpness Before each use....
For damaged parts Before each use..
For loose caps Before each use......
For loose fasteners Before each use...
For loose parts Before each use......
Inspect and Clean:
Bar Before each use................
Complete saw After each use.......
Air filter Every 5 hours*.............
Chain brake Every 5 hours*........
Spark arresting screen
and muffler Every 25 hours*.........
Replace spark plug
Replace fuel filter
* Hours of Operation
Do not clean filter in gasoline
or other flammable solvent to avoid creating
a fire hazard or producing harmful evapora-
tive emissions.
Cleaning the air filter:
A dirty air filter decreases engine perform-
ance and increases fuel consumption and
harmful emissions. Always clean after 15
tanks of fuel or 5 hours of operation, which-
ever comes first. Clean more frequently in
dusty conditions. A us ed air filter can never
be completely cleaned. It is advisable to re-
place yourairfilter withanewoneafterevery
comes first.
1. Loosen 3 screws on cylinder cover.
2. Remove cylinder cover.
3. Remove air f ilter.
4. Clean the air filter using hotsoapy water.
Rinsewithcleancoolwater. Air drycom-
pletely before reinstalling.
5. Reinstall air filter.
6. Reinstall cylinder cover and 3 screws.
TIghten securely.
Air Filter
Air Filter
Thechainwill bemoving
during most of this procedure. Wear your
protective equipment and observe all safety
precautions.Thechain must notmoveatidle
The carburetor has been carefully set at the
factory. Adjustments may be necessary i f
you notice any of the following conditions:
S Chain moves atidle. See IDLE SPEED--T
adjusting procedure.
S Saw will notidle. SeeIDLESPEED--T ad-
justing procedure.
Idle Speed---T
Allow engine to idle. If the chain moves, idle
is toofast. Iftheenginestalls, idleis tooslow.
Adjust speed until engineruns without chain
movement (idle too fast) or stalling (idle too
s l ow ) . T he i dl e s peed s c r ew is labeled "T".
S Tur n i dl e s peed s c r ew ( T ) c l oc k w i s e t o i n-
crease engine speed.
S Turn idle speed screw ( T) counterclock-
wise to dec rease engine s peed.
If you re quire further assistance or are unsure
abou t performing th is procedure, conta ct your
auth or ized ser v ice de aler.
If your saw cutsto oneside, has tobeforced
throughthecut,or beenrunwith animproper
amount of bar lubrication it may be neces-
sarytoserviceyourbar. Awornbarwill dam-
age your chain and make cutting difficult.
After each use, ens ure ON/STOP switch is
in the STOP position, then clean all sawdust
from the guide bar and sprocket hole.
To maintain gui de bar:
S Move ON/STOP switch to the STOP posi-
S Loosen and remove chain brake nuts and
chain brake. Remove bar and chain from