880 Digital Weather Radar System
Enhanced Ground--Proximity Warning System (EGPWS)
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The following remotely m ounted push buttons control the EGPWS
D INHIB (Inhibit) Button -- When active, the push on/push off INHIB
button prevents terrain data from being displayed on the r adar
indicator. When the button is active, the INHIB annunciator lights.
D ON (Terrain) Button -- When active, the push on/push off ON button
displays terrain on the radar indicator.
The following annunciators are displayed on the radar indicator to
indicate EGPWS operation:
D FAIL -- The F AIL annunciator indicates that the EGPWS has failed.
D INHIB -- The INHIB annunciator indicates that the INHIB push
button has been pushed and is active. When INHIB is annunciated,
EGPWS is not displayed on the radar indicator, and the aural
annunciators do not sound.
NOTE: The FAIL and INHIB annunciators are often incorporated
into the INHIB push button.
D TERR (Terrain) -- The TERR annunciator indicates that the
annunciator lamp power is on. It does not indicate the operational
status of the system.
D ON -- The ON annunciator indicates that the radar indicator is
displaying terrain. This ON push but ton lam p is lit if the ON push
button has been pushed and is active, or if an actual Terrain Alert
is indicated by the EGPWS system and the terrain is automatically
NOTE: The TERR and ON annunc iators are often incorporated
into the ON push button.
Some installation may not contain all of these controls and
annunciators, or they may have different names. Most EGPWS
installations have additional controls and/or annunciators (i.e., TEST).
Refer to the appropriate publication for details.