Hayter Mowers 48 BBC Lawn Mower User Manual

There is very little work to do this month apart from brushing away
leaves. Keep off the grass if frozen or waterlogged.
Rake the grass thoroughly. Spike the lawn to aerate and stimulate soil
organisms and root growth and apply lawn sand if necessary.
The yearly lawn work programme really starts this month. As soon as
the ground conditions are suitable, the first cut can be made. The first
cut should merely “top” the grass as close cutting at this stage could
result in severe yellowing or browning. Two cuts are generally
sufficient this month.
Mow often enough to stop grass growing away. Dig out patches of
coarse grass or resistant weed. Re-seed bare patches.
Keep mowing increasing the frequency as required. Treat with
selective weed killers or combined weed/feed preparations if you did
not feed the lawn in April.
Summer mowing should now be under way. It should be necessary to
mow the lawn twice a week. Raking before mowing is important this
month as the combined action keeps runners of clover under control.
Water the grass if necessary, and remember to soak thoroughly.
Treat the grass with the second application of fertiliser or weed
killer/fertiliser. Water when necessary and rake occasionally. As a
general rule the grass clippings should be removed each time you
mow. If weather conditions are dry and hot and the grass is weed free,
leave the clippings on the lawn to help maintain ground moisture.
To be used as a guide only.
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