Fisher-Price G5912 Swing Sets User Manual

The frame, pad, liner and toys may be wiped clean using a
mild cleaning solution and a damp cloth. Do not immerse
the frame.
This product has no consumer serviceable parts. Do not
take this product apart.
IMPORTANT! Never use this product without the
provided pad.
Fisher-Price,Inc.,a subsidiary of Mattel,Inc.,East Aurora,NY 14052 U.S.A. PRINTED IN CHINA
©2004 Mattel,Inc.All Rights Reserved.® and ™ designate U.S.trademarks of Mattel,Inc. G5912pr-0726
Rotate the lower frame tube around to the top of frame,
as shown.
To set the swing back up for use:
Rotate the lower frame tube around until it snaps
into place.
Place the swing on a non-elevated, flat surface.
Lower Frame Tube
Take Along